MELANIENEWMAN Puppy Conditioner 500ml

English Formulated to exacting specifications for all Puppy’s coat types, utilising natural plant derived ingredients Puppy Conditioner is the ultimate luxurious conditioner for your puppy. Formulated to gently nourish the soft skin and coat using luxurious organic essential oils of Rose, Chamomile & Calendula coupled with licorice root and coconut...

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Formulated to exacting specifications for all Puppy’s coat types, utilising natural plant derived ingredients Puppy Conditioner is the ultimate luxurious conditioner for your puppy. Formulated to gently nourish the soft skin and coat using luxurious organic essential oils of Rose, Chamomile & Calendula coupled with licorice root and coconut oil. Puppy Conditioner will help keep your puppies skin moisturised and coat hydrated while your puppies coat is changing into its adult coat. Melanie Newman Salon Essentials Puppy collection is formulated for all breeds. Puppy collection will leave your pet looking and feeling anew.

• Moisturises the skin and hydrates the coat
• Removes dandruff from the coat & skin
• Nourishes puppies skin & coat
• Eliminates odour

Diformulasikan untuk memenuhi spesifikasi yang tepat untuk semua jenis bulu Puppy, memanfaatkan bahan alami yang berasal dari tumbuhan Puppy Conditioner adalah kondisioner paling mewah untuk anak anjing Anda. Diformulasikan untuk menutrisi kulit lembut dan bulu dengan menggunakan minyak esensial organik mewah dari Rose, Chamomile & Calendula ditambah dengan akar licorice dan minyak kelapa. Puppy Conditioner akan membantu menjaga kelembapan kulit anak anjing dan melembabkan bulunya sementara bulu anak anjing Anda berubah menjadi bulu dewasanya. Koleksi Melanie Newman Salon Essentials Puppy diformulasikan untuk semua ras. Koleksi anak anjing akan membuat hewan peliharaan Anda terlihat dan merasa baru.

• Melembabkan kulit dan melembabkan bulu
• Menghilangkan ketombe dari bulu & kulit
• Menutrisi kulit & bulu anak anjing
• Menghilangkan bau

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