ROYALCANIN Canine Mini Indoor Puppy 1.5kg

Royal Canin Indoor life Junior Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, its mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution...

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Royal Canin Indoor life Junior

Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, its mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution for cats’ and dogs’ health nutrition needs.

Royal Canin adalah yang terdepan dalam nutrisi kesehatan hewan peliharaan. Dalam industri yang terus menyesuaikan terhadap trend makanan anjing dan kucing, misinya tetap sama; untuk selalu memberikan solusi terhadap kebutuhan nutrisi kesehatan untuk anjing dan kucing yang paling tepat, melalui pengetahuan umum dan nutrisi kesehatan.


Royal Canin Indoor Life has been developed for small breed dogs living mainly indoors. Itsformula supports digestive health and helps reduce faecal smell and volume thanks to highlydigestible protein (L.I.P.), an appropriate fibre content (soluble and insoluble), and very highquality carbohydrate sources.
Royal Canin Indoor Life telah dikembangkan untuk anjing trah kecil yang tinggal didalam ruangan. Formulanya mendukung kesehatan sistem pencernaan dan membantu mengurangi bau dan jumlah kotoran anjing berkat protein yang dapat mudah dicerna (L.I.P), kandungan serat yang tepat (yang larut dan tidak larut), dan sumber karbohidrat yang berkualitas sangat tinggi.


COMPOSITION: rice, dehydrated poultry protein, animal fats, maize flour, vegetable protein isolate*, maize, beet pulp, maize gluten, hydrolysed animal proteins, minerals, fish oil, soya oil, fructo-oligo-saccharides, hydrolysed yeast (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), marigold extract (source of lutein). ADDITIVES (per kg): Nutritional additives: Vitamin A: 24900 IU, Vitamin D3: 1200 IU, E1 (Iron): 41 mg, E2 (Iodine): 4.1 mg, E4 (Copper): 13 mg, E5 (Manganese): 53 mg, E6 (Zinc): 159 mg, E8 (Selenium): 0.06 mg - Technological additives: Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin: 10 g - Preservatives - Antioxidants. ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS: Protein: 27%, Fat content: 18%, Crude ash: 7.4%, Crude fiber: 1.5% - Per kg: Omega 3 fatty acids: 6.6 g including EPA/DHA: 2.5 g, Pentasodium triphosphate: 3.5 g. *L.I.P.: Protein selected for its very high assimilation.
KOMPOSISI: beras, protein hewan ternak yang dikeringkan, lemak hewan, tepung jagung, protein nabati terpisah*, jagung, bubur bit, gluten jagung, protein hewan yang dihidrolisis, mineral, minyak ikan, minyak kedelai, fructo-oligo-sakarida, ragi yang dikeringkan (sumber manno-oligo-sakarida), ekstrak marigold (sumber lutein). ZAT TAMBAHAN (per kg): Tambahan Nutrisi: Vitamin A: 24900 IU, Vitamin D3: 1200 IU, E1 (zat besi): 41 mg, E2 (Iodin): 4.1 mg, E4 (Copper): 13 mg, E5 (Mangan): 53 mg, E6 (Zinc): 159 mg, E8 (Selenium): 0.06 mg - Technological additives: Clinoptilolit yang berasal dari sedimen: 10 g - Pengawet- Antioksidan. KANDUNGAN GIZI: Protein: 27%, Kadar lemak: 18%, Crude ash: 7.4%, serat: 1.5% - Per kg: Asam lemak Omega3: 6.6 g termasuk EPA/DHA: 2.5 g, Pentasodium trifosfat: 3.5 g. *L.I.P.: Protein yang terpilih karena tingkat asimilasinya yang tinggi.

Analysis table Amount
Arachidonic acid (%) 0.07
Ash (%) 7.4
Beta-carotene (mg/kg) 5.0
Biotin (mg/kg) 2.93
Calcium (%) 1.1
Fibre (%) 1.5
Dietary fibre (%) 7.0
DL-methionine (%) 0.65
EPA/DHA (%) 0.25
Fat (%) 18.0
L-carnitine (mg/kg) 100.0
Linoleic acid (%) 3.24
Lutein (mg/kg) 5.0
Metabolisable energy (calculated according to NRC85) (kcal/kg) 3756.0
Metabolisable energy (calculated according to NRC 2006) (kcal/kg) 3977.0
Methionine Cystine (%) 1.05
Moisture (%) 9.5
Nitrogen-free extract (NFE) (%) 36.6
Omega 3 (%) 0.66
Omega 6 (%) 3.42
Phosphorus (%) 0.9
Protein (%) 27.0
Starch (%) 31.1
Taurine (%) 0.5
Vitamin A (UI/kg) 26000.0
Vitamin C (mg/kg) 400.0
Vitamin E (mg/kg) 600.0
Other nutrients Amount
Arginine (%) 1.36
L-lysine (%) 1.35


Minerals Amount
Chlorine (%) 0.68
Copper (mg/kg) 15.0
Iodine (mg/kg) 4.6
Iron (mg/kg) 188.0
Magnesium (%) 0.09
Manganese (mg/kg) 66.0
Potassium (%) 0.85
Selenium (mg/kg) 0.24
Sodium (%) 0.4
Zinc (mg/kg) 193.0


Vitamins Amount
Choline (mg/kg) 2000.0
Folic acid (mg/kg) 9.0
Vitamin B1 Thiamin (mg/kg) 4.9
Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin (mg/kg) 0.08
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin (mg/kg) 4.5
Vitamin B3 Niacin (mg/kg) 17.8
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic acid (mg/kg) 39.0
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine (mg/kg) 27.7
Vitamin D3 (UI/kg) 1200.0



Recommended daily quantities:
Water should be available at all times

Adut Weight 1kg   5kg   10kg  
2 month 30 g 3/8 cup 96 g 11/8 cup 150 g 13/4 cup
4 month 34 g 3/8 cup 113 g 11/4 cup 187 g 21/8 cup
6 month 29 g 3/8 cup 103 g 11/8 cup 189 g 21/8 cup
8 month 24 g 2/8 cup 81 g 7/8 cup 153 g 13/4 cup
10 month 24 g 2/8 cup 80 g 7/8 cup 136 g 11/2 cup


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