SALIFERT Carbonate Hardness Alkalinity Profi Test 100-200test

English The Salifert Carbonate Hardness/Alkalinity Test Kit measures the carbonate and bicarbonate levels in your tank, both of which contribute heavily to the stabilization of an appropriate and healthy pH balance, a level of pH 8.1 - 8.4. In regards to fluctuation, there should be no more than a 5%...

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The Salifert Carbonate Hardness/Alkalinity Test Kit measures the carbonate and bicarbonate levels in your tank, both of which contribute heavily to the stabilization of an appropriate and healthy pH balance, a level of pH 8.1 - 8.4. In regards to fluctuation, there should be no more than a 5% change from the optimal 2.8 meq/L, with a maximum fluctuation of 0.14 meq/L. The Salifert Carbonate Hardness/Alkalinity Test Kit is incredibly accurate and can detect even the most minor changes in alkalinity level, measuring incrementally by 0.1 meq/L. A sharp change in water color will be present when fluctuations are detected. This test will not impact the sensitive balance of your pH system.


Salifert Carbonate Hardness/Alkalinity Test Kit mengukur tingkat karbonat dan bikarbonat di tangki Anda, keduanya berkontribusi besar pada stabilisasi keseimbangan pH yang tepat dan sehat, tingkat pH 8,1 - 8,4. Dalam hal fluktuasi, tidak boleh ada perubahan lebih dari 5% dari optimal 2,8 meq/L, dengan fluktuasi maksimum 0,14 meq/L. Kit Uji Kekerasan/Alkalinitas Karbonat Salifert sangat akurat dan dapat mendeteksi bahkan perubahan paling kecil dalam tingkat alkalinitas, yang diukur secara bertahap sebesar 0,1 meq/L. Perubahan warna air yang tajam akan terlihat saat fluktuasi terdeteksi. Tes ini tidak akan memengaruhi keseimbangan sensitif sistem pH Anda.

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